3 essential products for the perfect home beauty routine

e all love the refreshing, rejuvenating feeling of leaving the salon. Fresh skin, manicured nails, bouncy hair… there’s nothing better. There’s just one issue—it’s expensive! Beauty requires maintenance and regular trips to the local salon can really add up. Thankfully, there’s a way to stay within your beauty budget and still look like you’ve just stepped out of the salon. Here are three products to help you achieve professional-level beauty at home.

1. At-home manipedi kits

Manicures and pedicures are some of the most popular beauty treatments—and for good reason! Freshly shaped nails add a touch of neatness and glamour to your look, leaving you feeling beautiful and confident in your own skin. Unfortunately, nails grow quickly. For many Australians, dropping $60 on a buff, shape, and spa treatment every month just isn’t feasible. If you love the feeling of soft, smooth skin and clean nails—but don’t want to break the bank—the 2-in-1 Manipedi is an excellent choice. This product is simple to learn and easy to use, allowing you to achieve the perfect at-home manicure. It takes only minutes to buff, shine, and prime your nails for a stunning coat of gel or shellac. You’ll be an expert in no time!

2. The right shampoo and conditioner

To get salon-quality hair at home, start with the basics—shampoo and conditioner. No styling product is going to give you the hair of your dreams unless you’ve prepped it properly! When choosing hair products, consider your hair type. Is it dry, oily, or somewhere in-between? Is it curly, straight, or wavy? Is it blonde, grey, brown, or colour-treated? Is it damaged? Choosing the wrong shampoo and conditioner can do more harm than good—so make your decision carefully.

3. Professional-grade skincare

You’ve chosen the right products for your hair—now it’s time to give your skin the same treatment. Skin comes in all types—dry, dehydrated, oily, acne-prone; the list goes on—so make sure to choose products that suit you. To seriously amp up your skincare game, try a face and body rejuvenator kit to prime your face for a refreshing treatment. After more tips? If you’re keen to learn more about achieving the salon look at home, Medescan is here to help. Our range of professional-grade products make at-home beauty a breeze.